Usually you hear many people say that it is the thought that counts. The situation gets complicated when your guy is very complicated. He might not be very complicated but since he has achieved a lot in his life and has seen a lot it gets harder to impress him. At the same time you cannot spend much. Why? Why if you love him dearly and ready to give him your world, why not spend reasonable amount.
Yes, it was much easier when you were 6 year olds and was invited to a birthday party. Your mom would buy some toy, wrap it and you are ready to go. If you think the principles haven’t changed much and all that boys need are toys. The market is full of different kinds of gadgets that will help your guy in everyday life. Entertainment is also a big chic. I was surprised there are sites that can find a gift for your guy based on his personality. You can personalize gifts, engrave them just for a little fee and some items come with that special.
You don’t have to get crazy on what to give your man for your anniversary, Valentine’s day or his birth day. Since my guy travels a lot for business I was thinking about giving him an electronic reader from Amazon, but then he has his blackberry and surfs the web anyway. Antiradar was another choice for about $200. Doesn’t matter how successful you are the law in US are equal for everybody, so my man speeds a lot and for the reason of him not being caught I wanted radar. I thought a bit, yes it is very useful and I might use it some time too but it’s not memorable.
I guess my first statement about the thought that counts was right. I stopped my choice on a key chain. It is very special key chain. It has an engraved message that you can see only when you open the chain for valet. Very secret and very special. And costs only around $30 but worth a million.
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