Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Husband Never Cooks For Me

My husband does not know how to cook. But he loves to eat. As anybody else. I love to cook and sometimes would appreciate if a man would cook especially for me. It is believed that if a man cooks it is much more delicious and special. Women put a lot of love when they cook but since they do it every day, sometime several times a day they forget the main ingredient (love), or lack that ingredient, so the food is tasty but not mesmerizing. When a man takes a knife in his hands to peel the potatoes or cut a tomatoes it’s a totally different story.

One of our friends advised us to take cooking classes together. He said it was fun for him and his wife to take those classes and they learnt a lot about each other and nutrition. So we went. My husband became a free clown. He does not need food if only you give him your attention. I guess it’s one of the disadvantages of being a single child. He needs a constant attention and public in that class was very friendly, mainly consisting of housewives. He would juggle for them with anything round found in the kitchen: apples, tomatoes, even onions. By the end of the class we had a project to do, which was consisting of one appetizer, one entrée and a desert. As you might have already guessed he didn’t help me at all. Well, he didn’t learn anything.

Saturday evening and he wants me to cook. Oh, that is too much! I cook every day and he even doesn’t help me, I work full time job as well. Why so much discrimination even in such a free country like America?! I just remembered that one of my boy friends would always cook for me and that thought made me even more angry. I stopped whatever I was doing and called him. I just wanted to know why he always used to cook for me and tell him that I do appreciate it now. I also wanted to tell him that my husband never cooks for me. He invited me over and said he will cook for me French dish. I had a great time and felt cared and loved again, however it was all in the past now.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Be A Gentleman And Let Me Have The Last Word

When an argument takes place most men don’t know the secret of winning over women. And I will reveal that secret now. However, many men don’t use it and still argue and try to make a woman different person or prove her that he is right. And it is all wrong as women will never forgive the loss, even if they know they are wrong. The importance of having the last word seems to funny at some times as they are just words and no matter what being said we can stay with our own point inside and nobody can change it.

Not only women but anybody will respond aggressively if they are not treated right. Having the last word is not the sign of winning the battle. A nice talk and coming together to the right conclusion will go further. It’s very hard though to concentrate on having a good conversation and solving a problem when you want to prove that you are right. Everybody wants to have a last word so the argument goes on and on. Still men forget about the secret of winning over the woman. It is not similar to the taming of the shrew, nothing like that. The guy in that romance was very tough on the shrew.

Most women are stubborn and won’t give away their beliefs easily. I have noticed that my husband found that secret to have a peace with me. He started letting me have the last word and I have nothing more to say. Me having the last does not mean that I’m the boss and I make all the decisions. We should make them together but as a woman and the person who takes care of the most things that have to do with the family and house and etc I believe I do deserve the right to be given the last word. At the same time we shouldn’t forget about respect and dignity. If a man being nice enough to give you the last word, give him the right to turn those words into action

Friday, July 3, 2009

Watching a Romance movie with my husband was a disaster!

I always knew that my husband wasn’t the biggest romantic man in the world but I had my high hopes to change it one day. I have organized many surprise “dates” for two of us. Whether it be in the theatre, park or museum all went well and we both enjoyed our time together. Although he didn’t bring me any of those surprises yet I know one day he will. Last Saturday we went to our favorite sushi place. The atmosphere and food presentation brought me into a romantic mood again. So I thought why don’t we watch a romantic movie. It would bring us even closer and strengthen our love.

The first romantic movie that came to my mind was “An Affair To Remember”. So on the way home we stopped at the local Blockbuster and rented that movie. My husband didn’t say anything and his face didn’t show a slight enthusiasm. I made some popcorn and soft drinks in case we get thirsty. As soon as the movie started his attention was absorbed by popcorn, so I took it away. Hey, you might call me by all the bad words but I’m working on my husband. I am making him a more romantic person. And better of course.

My husband never turns off his phone and keeps it in his pocket. While we were watching the movie his phone vibrated more than twenty times. Yes I was annoyed. But the bigger frustration was when he started typing and sending messages. It wasn’t nice at all. Then he was reading emails, then news and finally I yelled and took away his phone. I needed to go to the bathroom and when I came back he was watching baseball. What a disaster! What am I going to do with that? Why is he acting like this? Am I doing something wrong, maybe my husband will never like anything romantic and will never bring me flowers home?